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For over 50 years, the Foundation has organized a multitude of successful fundraising events in support of our mission. These events are not only a significant source of revenue for the Foundation, but also serve to enhance community awareness surrounding neurodevelopmental disorder. Some of our most recent flagship events include

Lori Black Memorial Golf Tournament: This annual tournament has been in existence for over 55 years at Hillsdale Golf & Country Club and is Canada’s longest running charitable golf tournament. The Foundation has enjoyed the fruits of many years of success under the esteemed leadership of Herb Black, for whose daughter the tournament is named in honour of.

Art Auction for Autism: The auction was founded 10 years ago by a group of passionate individuals who desired to support the clients and services of Miriam Foundation. This committee has secured art from local, Canadian, and International artists who have generously donated their work allowing us to raise in excess of $1 million dollars to date.
Third Party Events: The Foundation has been a fortunate recipient of many third-party fundraisers over the course of its history. Third-party fundraisers are independent projects undertaken by individual(s), affiliated groups, or organizations, for the purpose of raising funds on behalf of the Miriam Foundation.

Challenge VP: Launched in December 2020 by the National Bank Financial Vo-Dignard Provost Wealth Management Group, we were invited to join their innovative, futuristic philanthropic initiative with the goal of facilitating a virtual auction with unprecedented prizes to support the participating foundations financial needs during the COVID-19 crisis.

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