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The success of the Miriam Foundation lies in the development, implementation and evaluation of services based on the identified gaps across the lifespan in collaboration with clinicians, stakeholders and researchers.

Scientific Advances and Innovations in Neurodevelopmental Health

The Miriam Foundation strongly believes in the need to participate in evaluatory research that allows us to describe, understand, improve, and ultimately replicate our pilot models of service in the broader community, in and beyond Québec. We strongly believe in the general need to encourage and support research to advance worldwide knowledge for families with autism spectrum disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders. As such, every project upon which we embark is accompanied by a university-based applied research project.

Thanks to the development and implementation of efficient and efficacious clinical models to support individuals with autism spectrum disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders and their families, the Miriam Foundation services are replicated in the community and offered as part of public health and social services.

Manuscripts published or submitted in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Lai, J., Klag, M., Langley, A., and Abouzeid, N. (submitted). Using systems thinking to understand the evidence-policy gap: the push and pull of research knowledge. Nature.

Abouzeid, N., Rivard, M., Mello, C., Mestari, Z. Boulé, M., and Guay, C. (submitted). Parent coaching intervention program based on the Early Start Denver Model for children with autism spectrum disorder: Feasibility and acceptability study. Autism.

Abouzeid, N., Rivard, M., Mello, C., Mestari, Z., and Boulé, M. (submitted). Brief report: Outcomes of a parent coaching intervention based on the Early Start Denver Model offered to families of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Articles published in professional journals

Abouzeid, N., and Klag, M. (2016). Le Centre d’évaluation Voyez les choses à ma façon, L’Express, 9, 28-29.

Books and book chapters published or accepted

Rivard, M., Morin, D., Morin, M., Bolduc, M., and Mercier, C., in collaboration with Nadia Abouzeid and Malvina Klag (in print). Évaluer l’implantation d’un programme: exemple de l’évaluation d’une nouvelle clinique d’évaluation diagnostique en trouble du spectre de l’autisme et retards de développement. Dans l’ouvrage collectif La recherche scientifique en psychoéducation, under the direction of Mélanie Lapalme and Anne-Marie Tougas. Montréal: Éditions JFB.

Other works

Abouzeid, N., Morin, M., Rivard, M., Bolduc, M., and Blanchard-Beauchemin, M. (in preparation). Guide d’implantation du Centre d’évaluation Voyez les choses à ma façon.


Abouzeid, N., Dubé, K., Rousseau, M., Bourassa, J., and Choueiri, R. (accepted). Évaluation du RITA-T, un outil de dépistage pour optimiser les pratiques d’évaluation en trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Oral communication orale presented at the 87e congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Université du Québec en Outaouais, May 27-31, 2019, Gatineau, Québec.

Abouzeid, N., Rivard, M., Morin, D., Morin, M., & Mercier, C. (accepted). Le centre d’évaluation Voyez les choses à a façon et son modèle d’évaluation interdisciplinaire basé sur les bonnes pratiques. Oral communication presented at the 87e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Université du Québec en Outaouais, May 27-31, 2019, Gatineau, Québec.

Abouzeid, N. Dubé, K., Smith, E.L., Rousseau, M., Bourassa, J., and Choueiri, R. (2018, November). L’utilisation du RITA-T comme outil novateur pour l’amélioration des services d’évaluation en TSA. Oral communication presented at the 21e Rendez-vous de l’Institut universitaire en DI et en TSA, Trois-Rivières.

Abouzeid, N., Rivard, M., and Morin, D. (2018, February). L’évaluation du See Things My Way Evaluation Centre: un modèle réussi de recherche en co-construction. Oral communication presented at the Innover pour l’avancement de la recherche, Consortium national de recherche sur l’intégration sociale (CNRIS), Trois- Rivières.

Abouzeid, N., Rivard, M., Morin, D., Morin, M., and Mercier, C. (2017, November). The See Things My Way Assessment Centre: A pilot service model to eliminate waitlists. Oral communication elaborated during the symposium From efficacy to effectiveness studies: data from evaluations of ABA programs in autism and real life settings and presented at the International conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), November 14-15, 2017, Paris, France.

Rivard, M., Morin, D., Morin, M., Abouzeid, N., and Mercier, C. (2017, September). L’accès aux services d’évaluation diagnostique en TSA et DI basés sur les bonnes pratiques dans les délais permettant d’obtenir des interventions précoces. Oral communication. Les droits et accès aux services recommandés dans les guides de bonnes pratiques at the XIVe congrès de l’Association Internationale pour la recherche en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales (AIRHM) ; September 15, 2017, Genève, Suisse.

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